Skyline Hikers of the Canadian Rockies

2024 at Kootenay Plains

The Kootenay Plains in Big Horn Country are situated in the Canadian Rockies along highway 11 between Saskatchewan Crossing and Nordegg, Alberta. The area includes both the Kootenay Plains Provincial Recreation Area and the Kootenay Plains Eclological Reserve. The area is significant for local Indigenous communities because of the grave sites located on the plains.

Skyline Hikers will set-up their prospector tents in a group camping area at the David Thompson Resort. This resort is close to the famous Abraham Lake; you may have seen photos of the bubbles trapped under the ice in the winter.  The resort offers shelters for our evening activities, campsite bathrooms and showers, and we will have special sittings for our catered breakfasts and dinners.  As per our usual process, the resort will also be providing us with our packed lunch daily.

We are anticipating some fantastic hikes amid the fall colours that will appeal to all levels of hiker.  Hiking will be facilitated with the use of a daily coach to trailheads, with travel times short and on paved roads.

Due to availability, Skyline Hikers is offering trips in late August and early September.  Each trip will be six days and five nights.  Each trip will be limited to 24 to 27 hikers (this may be increased depending on registrations).

Trips leave from the Acclaim Hotel near the Calgary airport hotel, with pickups in Canmore, Alberta and other locations before heading up the Icefields Parkway to the resort.  There will be a stop with a packed lunch on the first day of the trip (i.e. on Monday).

On the final day, the trips will return directly to the Acclaim Hotel with dropoffs along the route.

This year’s trip dates are:

  1. August 26 to 31
  2. September 2 to 7
  3. September 9 to 14

The cost is $1875 per person (GST included) plus membership fees.

Click here to book now!