Skyline Hikers of the Canadian Rockies
What to bring
Keep in mind that you’ll be spending a week in the Rocky Mountains, where temperatures can range from the mid 20s (75 Fahrenheit) in the day to below freezing at night.
During day hikes you need to be prepared for sun or rain, or even snow at higher altitudes.
Good hiking boots, layered clothing that is both warm and waterproof, and a warm sleeping bag are essential.
Planning for Day Hiking
This complete day hiker’s checklist and equipment guide will help with your planning and equipment purchases.
Recommended Items to Bring
- Sturdy hiking boots and/or sturdy hiking runners
- Running shoes and/or sports sandals for camp
- Several pairs of light socks and heavy boot socks
- Gaiters for snow and rain
- Warm jacket (down or holofil) OR Gortex type jacket with fleece and/or wool shirts to layer underneath for added warmth
- Quality rain jacket/pants for wet weather
- Sun hat
- Wool hat and gloves
- Sweater or fleece pullover
- Shirts – long and short sleeved
- Long pants – 2 pairs
- Shorts – 2 pairs
- Warm PJ’s or sweat suit
Bed Roll: NOT REQUIRED FOR 2025.
- Warm sleeping bag (night time temperatures can be below freezing)
- Waterproof ground sheet (there are no floors in the tents)
- Bag liner or light blanket
- Pillow case (stuff it with jacket or sweater)
- Optional: Ensolite type mattress or Thermorest (A foam mattress is supplied)
Personal Toiletries:
- Toothbrush, Paste & Mug
- Small mirror, (optional, SHCR provides mirrors in the wash tent)
- Biodegradable soap (use for shampoo too)
- Sun protection (SPF 15 or higher)
- Mosquito repellent
- Simple first aid kit including Moleskin and 2nd skin
- Shaving kit (optional)
- Small deodorant
- Travel wipes
- Lip balm
- Personal medications
- Health Care Card
- DRINKING CUP (there are no disposable cups available in camp)
- Towel & facecloth
- Sunglasses
- Extra boot laces and boot waterproofing
- Day pack
- Water bottles (at least 2 x 1 litre or quart)
- Hiking poles
- Solid fire starter (odorless kind) or newspaper
- Flashlight
- Waterproof sit upon
- Flypaper or mosquito coils
- Garbage bags and freezer Ziploc bags
- Whistle
Items you may find useful (optional):
- Snacks and/or alcoholic beverage for social hour, however, no food can be left in tents.
- Bathing suit, (for the hardy!)
- Binoculars
- Topo maps (available at MEC & map shops, composite map available on Skyline website)
- Waterbag for carrying wash water (or ice cream bucket). Bowls are supplied in the Wash Tent.
- Juice crystals, or electrolyte crystals, to mix with water
- Clothes pins.
- Camera
- Extra runners or suitable footwear for possible creek crossings (to be carried in with your day pack)
- Pencil and notebook.
Photo courtesy of Robert Vanderzweerde …
How to pack
Because the bus will take you directly to the hotel or lodge, there is no need to pack your gear in a duffle bag. A normal suitcase is acceptable.
There is cell phone service in Pincher Creek but not necessarily any coverage while on the trails in the parks or the region. The hotel or lodge has wifi.